
John Cabot's Voyage of 1497

Founding of Newfoundland and Cape Breton There is very little precise contemporary information about the 1497 voyage. If Cabot kept a log, or made maps of his journey, they have disappeared. What we have as evidence is scanty: a few maps from the first part of the 16th century which appear to contain information obtained from Cabot, and some letters from non-participants reporting second-hand on what had occurred. As a

The Caboteers

I was home until yesterday for the funeral of my Uncle Cal Squires. Cal was one of the original members of the Caboteers. Cal Squires 1931-2019. RIP Cal and you are now in heaven singing with Bill ( dad ) and Don. Got to see Alec at the Funeral home and at Funeral. Alec had a stroke a while ago and is in a wheelchair however wonderful to see him.

Sample Blog Post

Oh Newfoundland – My Newfoundland My Newfoundland! My Father’s, my mother’s. my Children’s Newfoundland! My throat is a little full tonight….and my eyes are a bit wet, as I look out over the nearby hills…. The budding birches and the green spruce and fir trees that are my little piece of Newfoundland. What a brave, free breeze blows through those trees. How bravely they stand. God grant that nothing may